Friday, January 25, 2008

Beware last-minute election surprises

I refer to the Malaysiakini report A Hindraf Valentine: 'Mr PM, take my roses'.

The report implies that some voters may abandon the BN if the Hindraf 5 continued to be detained under the ISA.

Well, if desperate enough, the BN might just release the Hindraf 5 from ISA detention - on the EVE of election day - without warning - to create a false sense of euphoria and sway borderline voters.

Another surprise tactic could be a last-minute promise to reopen the controversial Damansara Chinese-language primary school.

We need to anticipate and immunise voters against such last-minute manipulations that the BN is so good at.

Recent events have shown that this BN government understands resolute protests and has tried to trade votes for gratuities such as limited public holidays and minor school funding.

But what we need is a permanent recapitulation of BN racist policies for a newly-learned humbleness and cleanliness.

So, even if the BN releases the Hindraf 5 and reopens SRJK Damansara, we still need to deny its two-thirds parliamentary majority.

This article was originally published on Jan 25, 2008, in as a letter to the editor.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Donate RM1 to Hindraf to protest

I refer to the Malaysiakini report Cops go after Hindraf donors.

By questioning Hindraf donors, the Malaysian government is obviously trying to intimidate its citizens. It is an outrageous and shameless manipulation intended to instill fear among supporters of NGOs that do not toe the official line.

From all I can see, the accusation of terrorism against Hindraf completely lacks credibility and was done in bad faith. Even if we don't agree with some of Hindraf's rhetoric, the Hindraf 5 under ISA detention deserve all the help they can get.

I propose each of us commit an act of protest, a sort of civil disobedience, by going against this state-sponsored intimidation, and donate RM1 into the Hindraf bank account. Each of us can donate a little and overwhelm the police with too many donor cases to investigate.

In addition, each of us can demand the bank to produce a copy of any court order that requires it to reveal our identity to the police, if we are called for questioning.

Please give me Hindraf’s bank account details so I can donate.

This article was originally published on Jan 11, 2008, in as a letter to the editor.

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